a group of people sitting at a table with laptops

Our Service Offerings

Built to Adapt

Technology within business environments continues to change rapidly, making it difficult for IT leaders to ensure their teams have the required tools and skills to fulfill their business objectives. We are built to adapt — to changing environments, to innovations in workforce management, and, most importantly, to you. From our home in Nashville, Tennessee, we serve clients nationwide across industries like healthcare, retail, insurance, and manufacturing.

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Technology Consulting

Analyze + Advise

With Enterprise-class expertise, we analyze your IT operation and recommend simple, efficient, and secure solutions based on your specific circumstances. Bedroc’s technology consulting services have proven to speed up implementation and deliver results on behalf of clients in every stage of growth — whether you are embarking on a merger and acquisition or you are just starting up.

  • Merger & Acquisition Strategy
  • Management & Governance Assessment
  • Business Impact & Risk Analysis
  • Compliance & Lifecycle Management
  • Vendor & Product Selection
  • Financial Management & Budgeting


Design + Implement

From initial scoping to project delivery, we leverage our deep knowledge of complex technology environments to implement comprehensive IT systems on behalf of corporate enterprises. Bedroc’s professional services are geared toward clients in need of top-to-bottom IT solutions.
Learn more about the technology environments we are skilled at creating.

  • Program & Project Management
  • Architecture & Design
  • Implementation
  • Troubleshooting & Remediation
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Staff + Assist

Backed by a team of technology professionals, we have the connections, passion, and expertise to ensure companies have access to the right people at exactly the right time. With Bedroc’s strategic resourcing services, experienced IT consultants are available on demand to supplement your staff and complete specific projects that require additional skills. Our team is ready to customize a plan and approach that integrates seamlessly into your workplace, enabling you to fulfill your objectives on time and on budget.

  • Pre-screened IT professionals
  • Unique candidate discovery process
  • Flexible scheduling (based on a time + materials approach)
  • Onsite or remote talent
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